Sunday, September 30, 2007
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11:17 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
The newest information on Sammy is that we're waiting. :) We are waiting on blood work that will let us know if his body makes enzymes that are needed to break down food. We should get results sometime this week or next.
Other than that, life is busy! Parker is growing so fast and is becoming quite the little helper! He talks nonstop and sais the funniest things! Every day he sais something new and just cracks us up! Yesterday he had a poopie diaper and Nathan asked him if he wanted him to change it and he said "mama alrady cleaned it" (I had changed his poopie earlier that day). And today when he had a poopie I asked if I could change it and he said "not today mama". I love that boy! He is so smart! It will sure be nice when he is potty trained though! Our Sammy is rolling everywhere and pushing himself up on his hands and knees getting ready to crawl. My baby is getting so big!! I'm not ready to have two mobile kids, I can barely keep up with them as it is! Sammy and Parker have so much fun together, when you ask Parker who his best friend is he sais "Sammy best friend" I love it! Since Sammy has been sick, he has recieved many blessings and the other day while I was holding him, Parker came up, put his hands on Sammy's head and said "Heavenly father, thankful for this day, bless Sammy amen". It was really cute! He is such a sweet brother. And Nathan is such a great dad for teaching our boys by setting such a good example! I love my boys!
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10:45 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What a week!

On Monday our sweet little Sammy was admitted to the hospital because the last couple of times we have fed him solid food he throws every thing up, starts dry heaving, goes completely white, loses conciousness, and stops breathing (not our idea of fun). I don't think we have ever been so scared! So they rushed us to the hospital for the second time (the first visit was last Tues. the 4th) and ran a bunch of tests only to come to the conclusion that he is not having seizures, he doesn't have any metabolic disorders, and his GI tract is all woring correctly except for a little reflux (which we already knew about). So we came home knowing what is NOT the problem, now if we could only figure out what IS the problem. We are taking him to the Dr. today for a follow up visit and getting more lab work and tests done. Hopefully we will come up with an answer soon. While we were in the hospital they did a ton of lab work, an EEG, a CT scan of his head and an upper GI study. He got poked a total of 9 times and was straight cathed twice, but bless his heart he was such a trooper! After every procedure he would look up at us and the nurses and with big tears in his eyes he would give us the sweetest little smile! He is such a sweet boy and we feel so blessed to have him in our family!
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1:26 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Parker is such a nut! The other day he wanted to eat "Mickey Mouse cereal" for breakfast, which is just like rice crispy cereal except for the cereal is colored. So, I poured him a bowl, sat him down and went into the office to talk to Nathan. A few minutes later we heard him calling me saying "Help my nose mama". I went back into the kitchen only to find that he had taken the cereal and shoved (and I do mean SHOVED) it up his nose! I started laughing and called for Nathan to get the camera! After we had taken the pictures we had to try and figure out how to get the cereal out. So, we squished all the cereal in one nostril as we held it down so that he could blow out the cereal in the other nostril. When we went back to the nostril that contained the squished cereal, well, we had to do some digging but eventually we got it all out. Thank goodness for Q-tips!
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12:48 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
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