Friday, December 12, 2008
Posted by
3:45 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Our Thanksgiving "thankful list" (you'll have to click on it to see)
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6:09 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Last Friday night we had a binki burning party for Parker because, well, we're way over due for getting rid of his binki's (as I'm sure you all have noticed). :) So, we asked him if he wanted to get rid of all his binki's by having a binki buring party and, being the pyro that he is, he was all for the idea and super excited! We let him plan the menu and let him pick one friend to have over for the occasion. He chose pizza and Ice cream for the food, root beer to drink and his friends Kacey and Colin (which turned out to be great because Colin had just gotten rid of his binki last week too.) over for company. After we were done eating we went outside to commence with the binki burning. First we had him take the scissors and cut the tops off all the binki's, then he (along with Kasey and Colin) threw all the binki's and binki tops in the fire (we told them that the binki's went to binki heaven and were much happier there where they couldn't be sucked on)! They thought it was so much fun! Then we came in and had some ice cream, followed by a few Hulk imitations performed by Parker and Colin and then called it a night. The great news is that so far Parker hasn't asked for a binki ONCE! He's doing so good! He even found a few binki's after the party and brought them right to us, asked to cut the tops off and then threw them away so they could join the other binki's. I'm so excited to finally be binki free!!
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3:54 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
We're having a baby...!
I'm so suprised! I thought for sure it was a boy but obviously not. I had the tech check about 50 times because I just didn't think that was right but she finally said "I am 99.999999999% sure it is a girl. You are having a girl." So, a girl it is (or he'll be a very sad boy)!
Poor Parker is really confused now because all this time I've been telling him it's a little brother named Connor. He's a little sad that it's not a boy anymore but says he will feel better if we can name her Ariel. I'm not sure that's going to happen, but hopefully he'll like her when she gets here no matter what her name is. :)
Posted by
4:31 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A good time was had by all!
Last weekend we took a trip up to Flag to see our good friends the Wiltbanks, and to have some family pictures taken. I was excited to get out of the heat and finally have some pictures taken that had some fun fall colors in the background. I just knew it would be a great trip... until we got there and I stepped out of the car into 42 degree weather! Now, I know I complain about the heat and how I wish it would get cooler, but not that much cooler! I thought I was going to die!Until, we went up onto the mountain and experienced 38 degree weather with a nice cool breeze blowing making it feel like 25 degree weather. Then I knew I was going to die (I'm a total whimp, I admit it)! At least when we stripped down to long sleeve shirts and pants for the actual photo shoot the boys were lovin it and totally cooperative. Ok, not really. They weren't having any of it!! IT WAS COLD! So we took a few less than perfect shots and bundled back up as fast as we could. It definatly didn't go the way I had thought or hoped it would (family pictures rarely do). But, we made great memories with some great friends, had some good laughs and despite the cold, we really did enjoy the beautiful scenery. So all in all it was worth the trip and the discomfort. :)
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8:16 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Goose Egg!!
Today after our nap Parker woke up and said that he needed to go to the bathroom. I heard him get up, go potty, flush, wash his hands and wash his hands some more. After a couple of minutes of hearing the water run I wondered "what is taking him so long?" as soon as this though entered my mind I heard a huge thump on the floor followed by a loud cry. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and when I picked Parker up off the floor this is what I found... HOLY GOOSE EGG!
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7:40 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Blog update coming soon!

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5:50 PM