Here are some pictures from Sammy's latest hospital stay. It was a long weekend to say least! The fun started with placing Sammy's IV's. Our poor little guy is so chubby they coudn't find a vein on him anywhere but his head, everything else was buried under his little rolls. So, instead of trying to find something on his arms or legs and having to poke him more than twice, to the head we went and had an IV placed on either side. He was not happy about the situation and I can't say that I blame him. It was not fun! And then to make matters worse, after the IV's were placed and taped it looked like he had two big bows on his head. So everyone that saw us out walking in the halls thought he was a girl. :) They would say "oh she's so cute!" when they saw from down the hall, but then as they got closer and realised they were IV's they would say "oh, that's so sad. We thought they were bows in his hair. " haha he would make a cute girl though! Then, it was time to start the food trials and he didn't want anything to do with the food! It was crazy!! We thought for sure he would be so excited that we were finally letting him eat food. But no, he didn't want anything to do with it. We had to force feed him EVERYTHING and he did not like it or want it. He would gag on everything and would clench his little mouth shut so we couldn't get the spoons in. hehe He is so stubborn just like his dad! :) But, once we finally got the food down him he tolerated everything well and didn't have any weird reactions to anything which is what we were praying for. :) We have definatly seen how the priesthood blessings he has been given have worked and we are so grateful and feel very blessed. So, now we have the green light to go ahead and feed him whatever it is that he wants to eat which at this point is NOTHING of course. :) But hey, we would rather deal with the problem of him not wanting to eat rather than him not being able to eat. :) We've discovered that he does, however, like chocolate and ice cream but other than that he wants nothing to do with food. Hey, he sounds just like me... He's a smart kid! :)